If you wish to keep your payroll in-house, we can still support your team, through training and consultancy.
We provide in-house, tailored training on leading payroll software packages, Thesaurus and Brightpay.
We create and supply Tailored Comprehensive Employment Contracts For Your Business with Employee Handbooks outlining your company polices.
If you feel, you'd like on-going support for your staff, we can also provide very affordable ongoing support packages.
As an Employer you have a legal obligation to provide all employees with a contract of employment. Under the Terms of Employment (Information) Acts, 1994 and 2001, employers are required to provide in writing details of specified terms and conditions of employment within two months of commencement of employment. If an employee is not provided with this they may be entitled to receive up to 4 weeks salary as compensation for a breach of this requirement.
Tailored Payroll can produce contracts of employment for all your employees outlining the Terms and Conditions of their employment. We also create Employee Handbooks outlining your company polices can protect your business from unnecessary litigation and help avoid costly misunderstandings about the obligations of both employers and employees in the workplace.
Contact a member of our team today to find out more payroll@tailoredpayroll.ie or call us on 041 9883 524